Do you want to find the right business loan without going bank to bank to bank? We ask you a few simple questions. Then we instantly weed out the bad loans and handpick the best. And, you get to decide what loans work for you.
Loan Finder in action
Our Loan Finder finds you the right small business loan. It's free, and it works in minutes! You save countless hours and money. And you get the right business loan for your small business, faster and with the best interest rates available. Do it all within minutes while also preserving your credit.
How do we do it?
We ask you a few simple questions. Then we handpick, say, the four or five lenders with the best business loans that you can actually qualify for. You compare rates and terms. Then you decide which lenders and loans you want. Sound simple? It is. It’s also free. It’s secure, and even better, it works: seven out of ten business owners using iPlanner.NET are getting approved for a loan.
Read about most common types of business loans